Nice B&W Paul. Displaying my ignorance, what are the advantages of the M MONOCHROM VS the conversion of a Colour File to B&W? Steve\n\n\n Hi Bajanexile, the advantages of the Monochrom are much more detail to the files and also the files are much more pliable in lightroom except for the hi lights if the hi light is blown its not recoverable unlike a colour converted file where you can usually recover one of the red green or blue channels as usually not all of those channels will be blown. Hope this helps.
Comments (3)
Nice B&W Paul. Displaying my ignorance, what are the advantages of the M MONOCHROM VS the conversion of a Colour File to B&W? Steve\n\n\n Hi Bajanexile, the advantages of the Monochrom are much more detail to the files and also the files are much more pliable in lightroom except for the hi lights if the hi light is blown its not recoverable unlike a colour converted file where you can usually recover one of the red green or blue channels as usually not all of those channels will be blown. Hope this helps.