Photo: Warmth in a cold place - Ali and his pals in Dras, Ladakh, India | By: jabberwonky | ZEISS DISTAGON F2.8 21MM |
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Warmth in a cold place - Ali and his pals in Dras, Ladakh, India


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Uploaded: 2013-12-11


Ali, shopkeeper, and his shepherd pals share a moment of warm, understated camaraderie in the tiny Himalayan town of Dras, once at the crossroads of the old Silk Road. Dras, apparently the planet's second coldest inhabited spot (with temperatures that dip to -45°C), derives its name from the local Balti word for ‘hell’. Ali loved the picture and carefully wrote his address on a scrap of paper requesting a print. I lost it on a trek and should send one to the Dras post office I guess.

Photo capture details

Unknow camera
Unknown focal length
Unknown exposure

Comments (2)

🕐 12-11-13 12:51ibbz wrote:
excellent! like it!
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