Photo: Dallas Divide Foliage Change | By: gregg | ZEISS DISTAGON F1.4 35MM |
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Photo 532433

Dallas Divide Foliage Change


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Member since: 2011-12-31
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Uploaded: 2013-10-11


This is another shot of Dallas Divide in Colorado I recently took. I simply love this place, especially now in the Fall time. Interestingly I've found out that it belongs to Ralph Lauren.
This shot is actually two images stitched in PS.

Photo capture details

ISO 100 - (1/6) at f/16

Comments (4)

🕐 10-12-13 15:24gregg wrote:
Well, clouds weren't there at the time so no clouds. The shot had to be done at F/16 otherwise it would not be entirely sharp. The tree and fence are so close that if I shoot at some other (larger) aperture they would become out of focus. Please learn more about the hyperfocal distance to understand how and where to focus to obtain sharp image from the closest possible distance to infinity. The aperture has to be small, but not to small so that the light diffraction doesn't occur (like in case of f/22 or smaller).
As for the right side I had to compromise on the composition a little bit. I wanted to have the fence in the picture and as much of it as possible to lead the viewer eyes into the shot but that also meant the dark rocky hill on the right. I chose to keep it.
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