Photo: 529070 | By: italy74 | ZEISS MAKRO PLANAR F2.0 100MM |
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Photo 529070

Photo: 529070


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Member since: 2012-02-05
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Uploaded: 2013-05-27

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Comments (3)

🕐 05-28-13 12:16italy74 wrote:
let me explain something, valid also for the other pics. Unfortunately it was NOT a private shooting where I could have worked alone with all the time and the space around me.
It was a workshop and other photographers with full of AF rifle-gun zooms were buzzing around her and since she was moving as well, I needed to have a safe depth of field where to take the pic, especially because she was just a few meters from me. Besides, some of the pics you see are crops of larger pics. This is also the reason why I took other topless pics with a much longer telephoto, an old Tamron SP 300/5.6 (mostly at f/11 or f/16) just because there were too many people around her and I could take pics from a farther distance. If you want to give a peek to the whole gallery, here's the link > - enjoy !
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