Photo: American Le Mans, Long Beach Grand Prix | By: starrynight | ZEISS MAKRO PLANAR F2.0 50MM |
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Photo 528413

American Le Mans, Long Beach Grand Prix


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Member since: 2013-05-04
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Uploaded: 2013-05-05


I bought a "Super Photo Pass" at the Long Beach Grand Prix. I was close enough that I could use my 50, set it to near infinity and not worry about focusing. The only issue was that the pass gave access to photo areas in corners and not straights, so panning was a bit difficult due to the cars almost always being at some angle. I had a fun time though and would recommend it.

Photo capture details

ISO 320 - (1/200) at f/9

Comments (2)

🕐 05-06-13 11:37starrynight wrote:
Thanks! I'm not sure how fast it was going but it was coming out of a corner so not to fast.
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