Photo: Breakfast with Monica and Flower (aka Makro-Distagon) | By: aquilan | ZEISS DISTAGON F2 28MM |
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Photo 520720

Breakfast with Monica and Flower (aka Makro-Distagon)


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Member since: 2010-09-28
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Uploaded: 2012-06-07

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ISO 1600 - (1/50) at f/2.8

Comments (1)

🕐 06-07-12 09:02aquilan wrote:
It is like a joke about a colossal canvas uniformly covered with red paint, which has been contracted as 'A passage of the Red Sea by Israelis'. When trader asked why he received plain red canvas, an author answered that painting portrays the Red Sea. Then interlocutor asked where the Pharaoh's army is, he was told that it's flooded. When a final question was made 'where are on earth, the Jews?', there was an answer that they had already passed the Red Sea.

Going back to the photo - breakfast has been already eaten, it is in Monica's stomach :)