Photo: 503113 | By: techdoctor | ZEISS G SONNAR 90MM F2.8 |
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Photo 503113

Photo: 503113


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Member since: 2010-07-03
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Uploaded: 2010-07-22

Photo capture details

Unknown focal length
ISO 100 - (1/640) at f/1

Comments (3)

🕐 07-22-10 12:21techdoctor wrote:
I bought the G Sonnar 90/2.8 lens and was waiting to buy a camera to mount it!! I finally settled on the GF1 and had to wait for 2 long months for my visit to Boston. This was one of the first shots captured on a muggy evening in Doha of my daughter. The temperature was a sweltering 40C at 5PM!! That is summer in the Qatar.

The 2x crop factor makes this lens a telephoto. The quality is simply out of the world. I then found a Planar 45/2 online and promptly bought it. It is now always on my GF1.
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