Photo: Golden Gate sunset | By: mike k | ZEISS DISTAGON F2.8 21MM |
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Photo 501509

Golden Gate sunset


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Member since: 2010-06-12
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Uploaded: 2010-06-12

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Comments (2)

🕐 06-12-10 13:43mike k wrote:
The higher ISO and fast shutter speed was due to the shot being hand held at knee level. I had to run out between the waves and the sand was too soft for a tripod. Live View used for composition. This shot was taken in Jan. 2010. When I returned a few months later for a low tide, sunrise shot at the same location, I found a large expanse of rocks & tide pools. The seaweed in the above image is tethered to rocky tide pools which are covered with sand much of the year.
Mike K
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