Photo: STS-1 landing approach Edwards AFB April 1981 | By: f1reverb | LENS MODEL NOT SET |
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STS-1 landing approach Edwards AFB April 1981


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Member since: 2023-10-13
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Uploaded: 2023-10-13


The number one comment I get on this photo is why is there a toy airplane in the photo. The T-38 jets that landed with the Shuttle gave perspective on how large the Space Shuttle actually is. This was Columbia's first flight. In February 2003, it's last flight, Columbia disintegrated during re-entry.

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Unknown exposure

Comments (1)

🕐 10-14-23 00:15JT wrote:
Wow. I remember years ago shooting the launch from CC. I was a stringer for UPI. I also remember shooting with the F2AS with the motor drive and using it as a hammer to unlock a stuck tripod. Can't do that these days with modern cameras!