Photo: Car Water | By: damessenjah | ZEISS ZE DISTAGON T* F2 35MM |
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Photo 28756

Car Water


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Member since: 2012-10-25
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Uploaded: 2013-04-30

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Comments (2)

🕐 04-30-13 19:20damessenjah wrote:
Thanks Jorge,

Here is a cropped replacement. I was unsure of this one! With the crop the fact that I was off a tad on my focus is highlighted more so. The original photo was shot horizontal and both cars are a part of the subject and with that perspective it did not matter that I was off on my focus. While comparing the two versions of this perspective I asked my 5 year old which she thought was better and she agreed with you. When asked why she replied "his head is bigger." Simplicity!
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