Photo: Is it broken? | By: lollus | ZEISS ZS PLANAR F1.4 50MM |
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Photo 503776

Is it broken?


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Member since: 2010-07-02
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Uploaded: 2010-08-04

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Comments (2)

🕐 08-05-10 01:40lollus wrote:
I use a shiny (not the supercheap black one but neither the luxury ones that come at silly prices) M42 to EOS adapter from Ebay, it focuses to infinity. I also have ZF lenses with ZF to EOS adapter and they focus to infinity. ZSs have a little lever to open and close the iris with a flick, which can be handy for focussing if you have no focus shift issues. The Planar 1,4/50 has them so the lever is not too useful.
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