Photo: The Boss | By: damessenjah | ZEISS ZE MAKRO-PLANAR T* F2.0 100MM |
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Photo 29932

The Boss


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Member since: 2012-10-25
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Uploaded: 2013-07-12

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Comments (2)

🕐 07-15-13 18:07damessenjah wrote:
I have not yet bought a flash unit and to be honest am a little intimidated by the thought of using flash. I have yet to study how. I need to go ahead and buy both a flash unit and a book on how to use flash. I do admire the shots where I suspect fill flash has been used but it was so subtle that I am not even sure that flash was used. The pop up flash on my 7D just blasts a bunch of light everywhere and I do not like the results. Maybe I should learn if I can use the pop up flash to add fill light. Any thoughts?
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