JT wrote: 🕐 09-09-23 21:29If you wanted to style some of your messages, posts, comments etc, here are a few tips.
Place your text between
[b] for bold [/b]
[code] to display code block [/code]
[quote] to quote some text [/quote]
[i] for italics [/i]
[u] to underline [/u]
[s] to strike through [/s]
[pc] to center align text in a paragraph [/pc]
[pl] to left align text in a paragraph [/pl]
[pr] to right align text in a paragraph [/pr]
[size=18] to set the font size in pixels [/size]
[color=red] to set the font color [/color]
To show an unordered list like
• Ford
• Chevy
• Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
To Show an ordered list like
1 Ford
2 Chevy
3 Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
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