Thats's right. Free classifieds for the time being. No fees. Take advantage and post your ads now. Time to sell some of that gear you don't use anymore.
ok. here is how it works.
if someone likes or someone posts a comment you will get and email like. ...
Your photo has just been liked
The email will include the photo and a link to the photo that was just liked.
if a comment was posted
the same will happen with a link to the photo. clicking on the link will show you the photos and comments for it.
I will work opn making this better.
One note,
if someone posts a comment or a like then they reverse their action, the email would have gone out before the reversal of thier action. so that could be a buit misleading.
Reply to: Query about a Comment left under my image.
When you view a photo on its own page. Like when you click on the top right expanding arrows over a thumbnail, you will see an add comment button as well.
Reply to: At LAST ! Found out how to COMMENT and read the Technical Details of Members' snaps !
As long as the submission stays true to its source there should be no problem. What is meant by this I will try to explain below.
Cropping is fine and expected.
Color manipulation is accepted
Panoramic stitching is accepted. However, merging two or more images is not. You can't take a picture of dining table, then cut the turkey from a different photo to paste into the dining table picture.
Hope this helps.
Reply to: Is the contest for photographs or photo-illustrations?
The how to and rules are listed here
Simply login, upload up to 3 images into the 2013 Contest category. From the top menu, Hover over "Gallery" then if you are logged in, you will see "Upload photos".
You can change the category of existing photos if yu want to use old photos. But remember. No more than 3 images into the contest category.
Keep sizes to 1 megs or less. I am having an issue with large files right now.
As of now, only and Admins on the site can add lenses that are not part of the EXIF information. So old manual lenses need to be added manually :) While lenses that show up in EXIF, get added automatically.
Reply to: How do you add a lens that isn't in the list?