Comments Received by mstudios

313963View photo
The bankjob
Photo by mstudios
🕐 08-27-13 15:20JT wrote:
ok, Did you stretch or shrink the car in post processing or is the car really that compressed?
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316061View photo
On the Platform
Photo by mstudios
🕐 05-19-11 01:27snaprat wrote:
Great stuff. Really cool light.
303542View photo
The Death of The Mechanisch Tier
Photo by mstudios
🕐 11-12-10 04:32mstudios wrote:
Thanks licks.
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502108View photo
Amongst the Squares
Photo by mstudios
🕐 11-04-10 05:09mstudios wrote:
Thank you
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307321View photo
A Tourist in New York
Photo by mstudios
🕐 11-02-10 14:43mstudios wrote:
Thanks you.... That's my intention, to make people curious about my art.
302084View photo
Broken Teeth
Photo by mstudios
🕐 11-02-10 14:42mstudios wrote:
Thank you I take that as a huge compliment.
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501433View photo
Planks and sand
Photo by mstudios
🕐 09-01-10 19:24mstudios wrote:
Thanks Zeiss man!

Sorry haven't been around much lately as I've been swamped at work, and not complaining at all.

Thanks again for the comments.

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501269View photo
The Letter Carrier
Photo by mstudios
🕐 08-11-10 04:12philber wrote:
I like it! Nice work!
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502085View photo
DownTown Street
Photo by mstudios
🕐 06-25-10 14:00mstudios wrote:
Thanks Rick,

there's more, and who knows maybe someone with a nice Gallery is looking for an exhibitor......
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501883View photo
March of the Squares
Photo by mstudios
🕐 06-25-10 04:11mstudios wrote:
Thanx Stephen, I have a whole series I just finished up on Manhole I'm just looking for a gallery to exhibit them.
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